MPA - Personality
Select and retain the right people

The personality test MPA identifies crucial behaviour traits for success in any given job. MPA helps companies optimise their selection process by identifying potential and talent.

A professional business meeting, where a bald man in a suit with glasses is discussing a report with a woman in an office setting.

What you get

Make better decisions, reduce uncertainty

MPA provides HR professionals with relevant insights into candidates’ personality traits and helps select and retain the right people for a given job. MPA enables you to make better and smarter HR decisions to increase profitability, reduce uncertainty and improve HR processes.

A blue checkmark icon symbolizing onboarding, verification, or approval.

Efficient workflows

Create efficient workflows for successful selections.

A blue circular target icon with four gaps, symbolizing precision and recruitment focus.

Perfect matching

Match motivated employees to the right job.

A blue icon representing a person with a circular head and broad shoulders, symbolizing leadership.

Reduce employee turnover

Reduce costly staff turnovers, saving time and money.

A printed MPA product brochure displaying HR solutions with a professional consultation image on the cover.

Why MPA?

Identify key personality traits in nine basic properties

MPA is an occupational personality test developed by psychologists. It assesses and describes behaviour in nine basic properties e.g. achievement orientation, emotional control and abstraction orientation. These are divided into three main areas:

  • Ego drive
  • Social factors
  • Work style

In addition to the nine basic properties, there are a number of supplementary properties that are based on a combination of the basic properties. These describe factors such as independence, initiative and motivation.

Test results are conveyed in a clear reports designed to suit different needs e.g. Interview guide and manager report.

A young woman in glasses smiling while reviewing a document with an HR professional in an office.

Get started

Find the potential, develop the talent

MPA is a reliable assessment for internal and external processes in recruitment and development. It is suitable for use with employees and managers at all levels across range of applications:

  • Selection
  • Individual development
  • Leadership development
  • Outplacement
  • Talent management
  • Organizational development

MPA is available in Bulgarian, Chinese, (mandarin), Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Mongolian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.


There are national as well as international norms available.

Customer evaluation of our employees increased from 8,64 points to 9,73 points (10 being the maximum)


Virtually “all new” employees, employed using MPA criteria, possess scores of 10.

A confident professional woman with blonde hair, wearing a navy blue blouse and a light pink blazer, stands in an office holding a company brochure. Behind her, a sign reads 'master™ VALUE PEOPLE,' reinforcing the organization's mission.


What is the science behind MPA?

MPA is a personality test based on a rational and statistical test construct. The test was developed by Master International in Denmark, where psychologists, psychometricians and data experts ensure the quality of the test at a high international level.

The MPA has a vast number of national standards as well as a common Asian and international standard.

British Psychological Society’s Psychological Testing Centre (PTC) has reviewed and certified the English language version. This version of MPA has been acknowledged with a quality stamp for meeting the industry standards for test quality – e.g., as defined by the British Psychological Society. Extensive documentation has been performed to provide evidence of reliability and validity.

To ensure the highest quality, CORE is developed based on ITC, APA, EFPA, and AERA standards and guidelines. CORE therefore meets the highest international standards for professional tests. Extensive documentation has been performed to provide evidence of reliability and validity.

  • Criterion validity: correlation with performance on the job (r = 0.42-0.44).
  • Construct validity: MPA correlates with NEO PI-R (median r = 0.61) and MPA correlates highly with Gordon Personal Profile Inventory (median r = 0.75).
  • Content Validity: approved by a panel of subject matter experts.
  • Face validity: approved by expert panel group.
  • Differential Item Functioning (DIF): no significant DIF found. Indicating that MPA performs equally well across different groups.
  • Cronbach´s Alpha: mean α = 0.84.
  • Test-retest correlation: median r = 0.83.
  • Equivalence reliability: median r = 0.84.

High standards
high trust

MPA is registered at the British Psychological Society (BPS), which evaluates the quality of psychological test.


Companies we have supported in talent acquisition

We collect good stories about how our customers create measurable value with our solutions. The best effect is obtained by adapting the method to the individual business, large and small. No two stories are alike.

“We can teach them the skills they need, but we cant change their personality. Their personality determines whether they suit the job we are offering”

- Christian Sørensen – HR Manager - Stay U-nique