Used properly psychological assessments can yield results that are both valid and objective for hiring and developing people. For this to be true the test must be developed on a scientific basis with proper attention to who will use it and for which purpose it is intended.


Constructing fair assessments is a never ending endavaour. The questions and scales included in the assessment must not have unintended bias against specific gender, age groups etc. Furthermore norms must be continuously updated. This is some of the work that goes on "behind the scenes" at Master.

Furthermore, Master dedicates much effort to proper training of the users of our tests. In our experience this is reflected in a positive test taker experience with our solutions.

As an example, when being tested with Master's solutions you are always entitled to a report explaining your assessment result, and you should always have been informed of the name of the certified user who tested you if you have any questions concerning the assessment.

Should you be concerned about the fair treatment of you or others related to Master assessments or the assessment process, please contact your local Master country office.


If you have a disability that you think may affect the assessment you have been asked to complete, it is in your interest to make the employer aware of this as early as possible.

As a testprovider Master is dedicated to fair and equal treatment of anyone subjected to our solutions.

For example, if you have been invited to an assessment centre and you have a disability that may affect your performance in any of the exercises mentioned, discuss the matter with the employer before you attend.

As an example, if you are dyslexic you should be given the non-verbal version of Master's logical reasoning test.

If you have special requirements, it is also advisable to declare this beforehand. The employer may then be able to make suitable, reasonable adjustments to help you show them how good you really are. If you don’t let them know until the day of the assessment, it’s likely that the adjustments and accommodations they can make will be more limited.