TAC - Ready to become the best possible recruiter?

Learn the ropes of data-driven recruiting on a course built on ISO standards, taught by experienced psychologists and digital experts.

Young man sitting in front of a laptop and putting on his headset

What you get

Become the expert- Get TAC certified!

Certification in Digital Proficiency - Learn the ropes of data-driven recruiting on a course built on ISO standards, taught by experienced psychologists and digital experts. With a TAC certificate in hand, you will be able to base your decisions on facts, data, and science. Eliminate bias, and become the confident expert recruiter you want to be. Watch the video to see how.



TAC certified

From hiring on gut-feeling to
confident expert-recruiter

TAC is a module-based digital self-study in data-driven hiring best practices and structured recruiting. Upon completion of the online course, you will receive an official Talent Acquisition Certificate, a downloadable diploma and a SoMe award.

Participating in flexible training and true-to-life scenarios, you will learn the ropes of data-driven hiring and know how to build and maintain a structured recruiting process. In short, TAC means:

A blue checkmark icon symbolizing onboarding, verification, or approval.

ISO Standards

Hiring Certification based on ISO 30405

A blue icon representing a person with a circular head and broad shoulders, symbolizing leadership.

Avoid bias

Boost data decisions to avoid bias and secure diversity

A blue icon representing an organizational chart, symbolizing structure and hierarchy within a system.

Improve structure

Improved recruiting structure

A blue circular target icon with four gaps, symbolizing precision and recruitment focus.


Science-based learning

Person with an arm in form of an arrow pointing to the right Icon


Hands-on exercises and real-life scenarios with downloadable guides

What is TAC?

Certification in digital recruitment

TAC is a double education path for people with hiring responsibilities. If you are new to the discipline of recruiting, you will get a solid foundation of best practices. As a seasoned pro, you will get the chance to replace old habits with new data.


First, you will receive initial training in the recruitment value chain that covers areas like attraction, sourcing, assessment, and employment. Next step is completing OPTO. OPTO is Master International’s personality test, designed and built to help you eliminate all kinds of bias in your daily work. With both modules completed, you will receive your new recruiter certificate.

The TAC – Recruiter Certificate course is developed using the framework of recruitment and the guidelines presented in the International Standard Organisation (ISO) 30405.

TAC Brochure in a Mock-up

Try it free

Become an expert - Get a free TAC demo

Request a free walkthrough of TAC.

Here you will get a full overview of the course, what you can expect, and an introduction to the course, so you can see for yourself how TAC will make you the expert.

Get started

Find the right people, make better decisions - every time

Taught by experienced psychologists and digital experts, TAC is the fastest way to build a process for more structured hiring. Objective criteria eliminates the risk and expense of recruiting the wrong employee.

If you are new to the discipline of recruiting, you will get a solid foundation of best practices. As a seasoned pro, you will get the chance to replace old habits with new data.

You should prepare to spend approximately 8-12 hours on completing this e-learning/self-study course, which you can do exactly when and where it suits you.

More than 95% of all organizations are hiring the wrong people every year.


The cost of a wrong hire is 53,000 EUR

TAC certification logo with master logo

30 days money back guarantee

Sign up and try the entire course risk free. You get full access to TAC, and if you are not 100% satisfied with the course, we offer a 30 day money back guarantee after purchase.

That means you can sign up, go through the course, gain the valuable knowledge, and if you don't like it, you can send us an email and we will give you a refund.


Companies we have supported in talent acquisition

We collect good stories about how our customers create measurable value with our solutions. The best effect is obtained by adapting the method to the individual business, large and small. No two stories are alike.

"I have 25 years of experience in Management and HR. The course has given me many good reminders and effective tools for Recruiting, Hiring and OnBoarding.

The course was well prepared and of high quality. The flow was logical, and the repetition was very useful. The level of this course was higher than I initially expected. I was positively surprised and had to step up my game for some of the exams. I feel well equipped as a hiring manager"

- Jess Kjær Nielsen – CAO / Quality Manager - MEGAFLEX

"The TAC-course has given me the opportunity to get “hire education” and become the possibly best equipped recruiter.

I am new to the discipline of recruiting, so getting a solid foundation of best practices is vital for my skills within recruitment.

I really enjoyed the programs flexibility, and the opportunity to take it in my own pace. It is very practical and has a user friendly platform, that gives you a good overview of each lesson.The courses 2 main elements discuss allrelevant topics within recruitment, being logically divided into a series of modules and supplementing any other training I have had in HR"

- Martha – Head of Returns & Customer

"I have 18 years of HR experience and am currently working as a senior OD specialist. In my daily job I am responsible for Psychometrics within my organization.

The course has been a great refresher and update for me, with focus on newest best practice standards within Talent Acquisition.

What I enjoyed from the course is that it looks at talent acquisition from a holistic perspective by emphasizing the need for alignment of the talent a company aims to acquire with the company’s overall objectives/goals.

Furthermore, this course was a great reminder that an effective recruitment process is one whereby the attracting and ultimately the retaining of talent is done in a fair, unbiased and data driven way. As Human Resources Practitioners, it is our duty to assist Line management to get the best people for the job who would also fit the organizational culture and the utilization of HR data effectively was accentuated in the course as pivotal and beneficial to organizations to achieve that. I highly recommend doing the TAC course!"

- Charmaine - Senior Organizational Development Specialist

"As an International HR Specialist and a Personal and Business Performance Coach, I have learned through my experience that finding the right fit between people and job is a task that requires time and money from companies.

The talent acquisition course helps me reduce bias and increase efficiency in the hiring process. Every person in the Human Resources world and especially in the talent acquisition area needs to take this course.

It's a perfect course that provides you with the right solution in how to recruit the best talent and place them in the right space to get the best of their potential and improve business performance. I cant wait to see the result of using Master courses and tools around the world"

- Ivanna - Founder / CEO - Global Growth