ACE - Cognitive ability predicts performance and future success

The cognitive ability test ACE helps companies select the right person based on potential. It evaluates the competence for logical analytical reasoning and predicts performance and future success.

Business professional in a white shirt and tie presenting a bar chart on a flipchart to colleagues in a modern office setting with large windows and a cityscape in the background.

What you get

ACE empowers you to select the right person based on potential

ACE is a valuable test in a rapidly changing labour market that to an increasingly extent calls for employees that have the potential to acquire and apply new knowledge and apply logical reasoning as the company evolves. With ACE you can:

A blue icon representing an organizational chart, symbolizing structure and hierarchy within a system.

Screen by potential

Screen in candidates based on potential

A minimalist blue abstract symbol consisting of three angled lines forming a dynamic shape. The design is modern and sleek, possibly representing movement, direction, or connectivity.

Reduce bias

Reduce bias

A blue checkmark icon symbolizing onboarding, verification, or approval.

Improve quality

Improve quality of hire

Person with an arm in form of an arrow pointing to the right Icon

Reduce risk

Reduce risk of wrong hires based on performance issues

A professional product brochure for "ACE" featuring a business professional in a white shirt and tie presenting a bar chart on a whiteboard. The brochures have a clean, modern design with blue and white branding elements, emphasizing corporate assessment and recruitment solutions.

Why ACE?

ACE measures maximum cognitive potential

ACE is a cognitive ability test that measures on three cognitive domains:

  • Numerics
  • Spatial
  • Verbal

ACE is a power test based on Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) technology. This means that ACE measures a person’s maximum cognitive potential by automatically adjusting the level of difficulty of its questions to the test takers ability level.

It offers adjustable complexity, precision level and assessment time. A confirmation test makes it possible to confirm a test result. And it is available in a nonverbal version for respondents with dyslexia.

Two professionally dressed men in suits are engaged in a discussion while pointing at a whiteboard in a well-lit office. Their focused expressions suggest they are strategizing or analyzing data in a corporate setting.

Get started

Measure the ability to
handle complexity

ACE is suitable for use with individuals where the ability to aquire new knowledge and/or handling complexity is essential. ACE is primarily used for:

  • Screening and recruitment
  • Selection
  • Talent management

It can be used on employees or managers at all levels in the organisation. There are national as well as international


ACE is available in Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.


ACE meets the highest international standards for professional tests. Extensive documentation has been performed.

More than 95% of all organizations are hiring the wrong people every year.

The cost of a wrong hire is 53,000 EUR

A confident professional woman with blonde hair, wearing a navy blue blouse and a light pink blazer, stands in an office holding a company brochure. Behind her, a sign reads 'master™ VALUE PEOPLE,' reinforcing the organization's mission.


What is the science behind ACE?

ACE is a cognitive ability test based on the theory of g-factor. ACE evaluates the competence for logical analytical reasoning – the competence to identify patterns and complex relations in information, to draw conclusions, and to drive results. Three cognitive domains are available in ACE:

  • Numeric
  • Spatial
  • Verbal

ACE is built on Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) technology. This means that ACE measures a person’s maximum cognitive potential by automatically adjusting the level of difficulty of its questions to the test taker’s ability level.

ACE has several national as well as international norms available. The combined norm samples contain more than 32,000 responses.

ACE is available in Danish, English, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish.

When choosing a test tool, we recommend that you pay attention to its validity and reliability. Extensive documentation has been performed to provide evidence of reliability and validity.

  • Criterion validity: ACE Criteria, has been shown to predict higher job performance in sales, at a large retail company (r = 0.42 for Spatial Ability).
  • Construct validity: computer simulation studies of ACE show a correlation of r = 0.89 between true and estimated scores. ACE is based on a previous Master g-factor test with a high correlation (r = 0.7) with the well-established g-factor test Ravens Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM).
  • Differential Item Functioning (DIF): DIF was rejected across gender, employment level, and education. This shows that ACE performs equally well across different groups.
  • Reliability (1-SE2): Standard precision = 0.71 and High precision = 0.83

High standards
high trust

ACE is developed based on international standards and guidelines and have been reviewed by external specialist in professional psychometrical testing.


Companies we have supported in Talent Acquisition

We collect good stories about how our customers create measurable value with our solutions. The best effect is obtained by adapting the method to the individual business, large and small. No two stories are alike.

”The change to Metis (now Master People Platform) was quite easy and I was quickly up and running. Quality in procedures is a core value for Poolia and is an important part of their market approach. The ACE result (capability for logical, analytical reasoning) is very important in white collar specialist and higher level jobs. ACE and Metis (now Master People Platform) match our high quality standards of process and delivery to our customers. The ACE is easy to administrate, and the flexibility of it makes it easy to match customer needs.”

- Eva Björkegren – Recruitment Consultant - Poolia