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Optimised Leadership evaluates how you perform in four Emotional Intelligence areas: Executive Well-Being, Sociability, Grounded Support, and Self-Regulation. These qualities are crucial for leaders to improve team performance and create a safe, supportive environment in the workplace.


Here you can delve deeper into your leadership assessment results. This table offers a practical overview of Optimised Leadership, categorized into the match-level (Perfect Match, Good Match, and Low Match) to each of the four main areas of Leadership Emotional Intelligence: Executive Well-Being, Grounded Support, Self-Regulation, and Sociability.

Use this table as a tool to further understand and reflect on your match level within each Emotional Intelligence area, and its impact on your leadership style

Learn about specific actions you can take to improve your leadership behaviour, whether it is strengthening your emotional resilience, enhancing your communication skills, or building better relationships with your team. The tailored advice in this table will guide you towards achieving your leadership goals.

Remember, the journey to becoming a better leader is continuous. Embrace the feedback, take the necessary steps to develop your skills, and witness the growth and success of both you and your team.


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Goleman, D., Boyatzis, R. E., & McKee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of emotional intelligence. Harvard Business Review Press.

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