MPA has been granted accreditation

MPA has been granted accreditation

The Master Person Analysis (English language version) has been granted the Certificate of Registration as a Psychological Test for the third time. First time was in 2007, then 2012 and now 2017. 

Great news for the MPA and the many users, who use MPA as the tool to support their organization´s efforts to attract, assess and employ high potential talent.

Ensuring high standards in psychological testing 

This Registration has been granted by the British Psychological Society´s Psychological Testing Centre who provides independent reviews of psychological tests used in occupational and educational settings. Their work promotes high technical standards in psychological testing and provides test users and professionals with information, that will help them choose the assessment tool that fits their needs and purpose. 

A Certificate of Registration as a Psychological Test is an accreditation that the MPA meets the psychometric requirements according to the Revised EFPA Review Model for Description and Evaluation of Psychological Test.

Category: Solutions
Tags: MPA

Translated By: Louise Bergøe
Interviewed By: Louise Bergøe

Louise Bergøe, black and white profile picture

Louise Bergøe

Content Writer