IKEA Recruiting with BRIGHT

Finding the right service personnel for IKEA

"We are very satisfied with including BRIGHT, it has meant both savings and higher quality of selected candidates" - HR generalist, IKEA - Kungens Kurva, Sweden


The Challenge

Every year IKEA in Kungens Kurva, Sweden, hires in extra service personnel for the busy summer months. The interest for these jobs is big, on an average this store receives 700 – 1100 applications for 60-70 vacancies. Johanna Langton, HR generalist, describes how existing screening and recruitment process on several dimensions was inefficient: too time consuming, too costly, subjective screening evaluation and screened in candidates did not match the behaviors and attitudes related to expected responsibility, service and sales skills at IKEA.


The Solution

With the objective to optimize and qualify their existing screening and recruitment process it was decided to conduct the whole screening and recruitment process locally at IKEA, Kungens Kurva, Sweden. BRIGHT was included to replace existing screening process, which Johanna Langton estimated would require 3 weeks of work for 4 people. The success criteria for including BRIGHT was to efficiently run high volume staffing with less costs, minimize the risk of subjective bias in the screening process and increase the number of potential high performing candidates for the further recruitment process. BRIGHT service Criteria were defined as a baseline to match incoming applicants.


The Result

As a result of using BRIGHT, IKEA Kungens Kurva experienced a better qualified candidate pool, reduced costs and a more efficient process:


Category: Solutions

Date: 15.05.2017