Global Reach - Local Touch

"Motivated employees are happier and perform better, and our goal is always to enable the match of the right person with the right job."

Grow and perform

At Master International we create equal opportunities through transparent HR workflows. Driving performance across professional, geographical and cultural borders since 1985, we develop, deliver, implement and support a complete range of online HR assessment test tools for talent acquisition, recruitment and development. Dedication, innovation and insight have made our name synonymous with best-practice in testing and unique performance analytics with unparalleled ease of use. The result? HR directors, line managers, independent consultants and everyone in between can draw strength from data-driven processes to establish environments where success is a matter of fitting the right characteristics and profiles with clearly defined Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s).



When you value people, everybody wins

Motivated employees are happier and perform better, and our goal is always to enable the match of the right person with the right job. We facilitate this by empowering the user to make better HR decisions, while saving time and reducing costs. Our online HR assessment tools are digitally anchored in the unique METIS platform that powers centralised HR workflows and ensures compatibility with future legal regulations. Combined, our range of solutions forms a complete suite that makes you the expert.

  • Screening, selection and recruitment based on the match between personality assessment and company performance requirements. Try OPTO and MPA.
  • Assessment of candidate ability and potential in relation to problem solving and job complexity. Use ACE.
  • Individual and organisational development in improving motivation and strengthening communication. Go EASI.
  • Screening of a candidate’s service attitude and behaviour as a means of building excellent customer service. Run BRIGHT.



Global Reach - Local Touch

On a global level, we aim to realise company ambitions of growth and increased revenue. On a local level, we strive to earn our customers’ trust and respect by building lasting personal relationships through excellent service and support.

Our solutions form a complete and easy-to-use suite of professional, online HR assessment tools that create unique workflows and provide performance analytics which are supported by our HR advisory services. Combining these unique tools is what makes you an expert.

Norbert Mörtl Portræt

Norbert Mörtl

Content Writer