Equality is something we create

Dear United Nations, thank you for following our lead. At Master International, we have always been driven by an ambition to create equality and give people the chance to grow. And it makes us both humble and proud that our own purpose is now an integral part of the UN’s official Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sharing objectives with the world’s supreme agenda-setting body paints a bright future for data-driven HR decision making. Right?  


"We have always been driven by an ambition to create equality and give people the chance to grow." - Jesper Broberg, CEO, Master International A/S

A new platform for a new paradigm.

The combination of objective testing, intelligent digitisation, quality data and skilled training already delivers the platform on which more and more successful companies build their workforce. Why? Because facts don’t lie. Because decisions about recruiting, retaining, developing and – let’s not deny it – terminating employees are too important to be left to gut feelings, old habits and ambiguous references to ‘chemistry’.

Eliminating subjectivity 100 % is, of course, a tall order and, yes, the bias journey is a long and winding road. But: the total of 17 SDGs (covering a broad spectrum of interdependent areas, from clean energy and climate action to poverty and hunger elimination) place Master International as a plug’n’play solution for the change-ready HR industry. Three of the goals have a direct impact for professionals working with ‘people’ and ‘processes’:

1) SDG 5: Gender equality

Gender-based discrimination is one of the oldest stigmas in HR, and as an example of how to end it, one of the targets of SDG 5 aims at ensuring women’s full and effective participation – as well as equal opportunities for leadership. Eliminating gender bias is a massive challenge, but turning ambition into action is a great way to get the ball rolling. Why not set-up a mentor program for newly educated women? Or openly support initiatives that boost workforce and leadership equality? Not to shine your halo, but to culture your pool of talent.

2) SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

Most companies are already busy ensuring growth, employment and decent work conditions. And even though it might not be possible to succeed on all these parameters, now is the time to rise to the occasion and professionalise the contribution. Make sure no talent goes to waste by screening, testing and evaluating people and performances more professionally. The UN suggests upgrading on technology and promotes development-oriented policies. One course of action could be to promote those of your initiatives that ensure continuous professional development. And if you have none, to start building some.

3) SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

The headline says it all, really. Reducing inequalities efficiently, companies have the opportunity to support the UN vision AND build stronger, more competitive businesses. Innovations in technology can help reduce costs for failed recruiting – not just for multinational corporations, but for start-ups from developing countries as well. Recent studies show that hiring a wrong candidate can cost as much as 53.000 €. Wow! Why not accept the UN’s invitation by supporting initiatives that spell the end of stereotypical people management? It doesn’t have to be that hard.


When you value people, everybody wins

Around the globe, HR directors, line managers and independent consultants try their best to act professionally and objectively every day. Teaching yourself to be unbiased, however, is as impossible as outrunning your own shadow. Which is why we do what we do at Master International. What’s needed are user-friendly digital tools that easily and effectively analyse talent and empower rational decision-making as a key ingredient in attracting, developing and retaining the right kind employees.

Tags: Transparency, Equality

Date: 03.10.2019

Jesper Broberg Portræt

Jesper Broberg

Content Writer