Efficiently recruit the best candidates for better customer service

Learn how you can reduce staff turnover (up to 40%), time spend on recruitment (30%) while raising your customer satisfaction by up to 20%.

Quickly and efficiently recruit the best candidates for better customer service

Every company is aware that good customer service is a key competitive advantage, to attract and keep your customers satisfied you must raise your customer service from good to excellent.

Friendly, efficient customer service helps set a successful business apart from its competitors. It is not how good you believe your customer service is, but how your customers perceive you!


"The customer's perception is your reality." - Kate Zabriskie

Nevertheless, the reality for many companies is that it’s hard and time consuming to find the right service oriented employees who can help your company to raise your customer satisfaction.

Screening and selecting the right candidate is time consuming and can be frustrating, from searching through applications, reading CV’s and conducting job interviews. After having invested a considerable amount of time in the above, it is still difficult to make the final choice of the right person for the job: the person who has the right attitude and behaviors that fit your companies service requirements.


BRIGHT helps you to save considerable costs

Master International has helped companies to reduce time, frustration and lower staff turnover, saving considerable costs for hiring and onboarding of new employees.

Imagine if you could at the same time raise your overall customer satisfaction from good to excellent?

Meet BRIGHT, a brand new and innovative tool on the market, automating your process and screen in the best candidates quickly and efficiently, lowering staff turnover by up to 40% while raising customer satisfaction by up to 20% and more.

The savings of automated screening have been backed up by a study, according to MC Kinsey ‘the savings associated with the automation of this step, which encompassed more than 55 percent of the résumés, delivered a 500 percent return on investment’ (source link)

BRIGHT - screen in the best people for excellent customer service, click to learn more in the 2 minute BRIGHT video:


Category: Recruitment, Solutions
Tags: Cost of recrutiment

Date: 29.12.2016

Norbert Mörtl Portræt

Norbert Mörtl

Content Writer