Creating equal opportunities in Namibia

One of the first things you notice when walking up and down the streets of Katutura, Namibia is the number of children roaming the streets without a defined purpose. These are the street children of Katutura, Namibia.

Rosa Namises, the founder of the Dolam Orphanage, had for many years noticed the increasing amount of street children in Katutura. One experience, though, became a determining factor in her “change of career”.  Her daughter had invited a classmate home for a play-date and as it started to get dark, Rosa decided that she would follow the little girl home. They arrived at a house that was falling apart with a car parked in the entrance. Rosa asked the girl where she lived. What she heard next shocked her! The girl pointed to the car, full of rust and in no way acceptable as a living condition, and said: “ I live in the car with my mother.” Rosa approached the mother, who turned out to be completely drunk. Rosa, couldn’t leave this young girl with a mother that was drunk living in terrible conditions. Rosa decided to let the young girl sleep at her home. This was the first step and a short while after she created an orphanage in her own home. Her entire home was transformed into an orphanage, only 1 tiny room remained for herself as a “private room”. She has dedicated everything to this project!

Master International came across this orphanage when owner and CEO, Norbert Mörtl was on vacation in Namibia. He visited the orphanage a couple of times and it was clear to him that this was a project that he wanted to support financially. The purpose of Master Value People is to “…create equality and give more people and companies a chance to grow and perform.” The children at the Dolam Orphanage come from unfortunate backgrounds and have had many difficulties and obstacles they have had to deal with. However, this should not be a hindrance for their well-being and their future, they should have as many possibilities as all other children. By supporting the Dolam Orphanage financially, they have been able to focus more on giving the children the best education possible, without having to worry about running costs.

We have made a 3-part video interview with Rosa, which all will be posted on this page. The 1st video describes the harsh reality that the street children in Katutura, Namibia face each and every day.


Create equality and give more people and companies a chance to grow and perform

Date: 14.06.2018

Jesper Broberg Portræt

Jesper Broberg

Content Writer