Better hires for service jobs

Better hires for service jobs

Service is the key to the exceptional customer experience and loyalty, and a customer service experience can change the entire perception a customer has of a business. Many service companies, including retailers, call centers and security firms, can reduce costs and make better hires by using a short web-based service test as the first screening step. This is exactly what IKEA, Kongens Kurva, Sweden experienced when they applied the BRIGHT service and sales test as part of their hiring process.

Every year IKEA in Kungens Kurva, Sweden, hires in extra service personnel for the busy summer months. The interest for these jobs is big, on an average this store receives 700 – 1100 applications for 60-70 vacancies. Johanna Langton, HR generalist, describes how existing screening and recruitment process on several dimensions was inefficient: too time consuming, too costly, subjective screening evaluation and screened in candidates did not match the behaviors and attitudes related to expected responsibility, service and sales skills at IKEA.

Read the full story on how IKEA resolved their recruitment challenge, and see how screening with a short

Read the story on IKEA's use of BRIGHT

Category: Recruitment, Solutions

Date: 25.11.2016

Louise Bergøe

Content Writer