How to select the right assessment solution for you?

As with most things today there is such a wide variety to choose from. If you search for which Psychometric Test provider to use, you have been warned: you might go insane! There are hundreds of options, all of which sound similar and identical in what they measure and how and where to use them. How can you distinguish which is built on solid scientific/psychological science and data and which are “home-brewed” tests? A good place to start the distinction between test providers is to focus on accreditations.

What is an Accreditation?

An accreditation of a test is a quality stamp ensuring customers that the service and tools they use are of high quality, are reliable and valid as well as non-discriminatory. Due to the delicacy of the matter these are not done internally. Independent Psychological institutions, such as The British Psychological Society gain access to the test documentation and review tests used in an occupational and educational setting. This can in turn offer the right information for test users to choose tests that live up to their needs and the requirements within Psychometrics (to read about testing guidelines, click here:

Is the test valid and reliable?

This is no cheap nor an easy process. In order to get the test accredited it requires a Test Manual including data as well as studies on both reliability and validity.  Referring to calculating reliability refers to the internal consistency, test-retest reliability and inter-rater reliability of a test(for more information on reliability, click here - Studies on reliability ensure a test-taker and test administrator that the test items are consistent as well as ensuring that over time the test doesn’t change results for candidates but can be counted as “reliable”.

Looking at validity, The European Federation of Psychologists’ Association (EFPA) framework requires that a test provider can at least one, if not more studies of the following:

  • Item-Test Correlation
  • Correlations with other tests
  • Test Bias
  • Group Differences
  • Factor Analysis
  • Multi-Method Design

Why this extensive work and hundreds of hours spent developing tests according to set frameworks and ensuring studies that show the reliability and validity of a test? Because Psychometric testing is not just a questionnaire but an intricate matter dealing with individuals and their personality, typology and cognitive skills. This is a serious matter! Anybody looking into using tests should consider the above (for more information on vailidy, click here -

International Accreditation is a quality stamp for you

What does it mean when our tests receive the Certificate of Registration as a Psychological Test? That our tests meet the psychometric requirements according to Revised EFPA Review Model for Description and Evaluation of Psychological Tests.

We take great pride in ensuring that our psychometric tools meet the highest level of qualifications. It assures as that the work our Psychology Department perform is relevant, reliable, and valid. It’s a joyous moment every time one of our existing tests or a new test receives accreditation ( Also, it means that we can be confident when presenting the tools to new candidates. We can present the information needed and can offer the guarantee that our tests are of the highest quality! Why not contact us and give it a try?

A grey logo of 'The British Psychological Society Registered Test,' featuring a stylized figure holding a light or flame, representing knowledge and psychology.

Accredited solutions for faster, fair and better HR decisions

The accreditations available by a test provider is a very relevant point to consider. There are however others to consider. 1) How easy is the product and how quickly can I get started? 2) How do they store candidate’s data? Are they compliant with GDPR?  Which technology do they use? 3) How well will the test provider support me in my setup? 4) What is the quality? How is their pricing?

All these considerations are relevant and required to consider when choosing a test provider. We’d be more than happy to tell you about our setup. Contact us at