7 ways of ensuring great online recruiting

  1. Don’t be afraid – These days everyone is eager to keep the wheels turning. Candidates are eager to get jobs, Companies are eager to uphold the production. And society as a whole is eager to keep the business as usual in every aspect where it is possible. Doing the recruiting process 100% online may normally seem as a no-go. But we should not be afraid of trying new methods. Just ask yourself: How can I approach the online process with the same respect for the candidates as you normally do?
  2. Use data – These are times where we heavily rely on digital solutions. In recruitment using data is always a great idea to avoid bias in the process, but now it also becomes a tool for structuring the digital online recruitment. Data is collected on the candidates via tests and can then be used to compare the candidates.
  3. Let candidates receive their test reports directly – A good test solution will allow you to send the reports on the candidates test results directly. This way the candidates can prepare for the interview, and you show the candidate that you have a transparent process, where they can follow every step even though you do not meet in person.
  4. Give online feedback – Giving good feedback on the reports and using the data from the test results is an essential part of any recruiting process. This is very easy to do online using Teams, Skype or the like. Just remember to inform the candidate about the process, so they know what will happen.
  5. Give a good impression of the company – How you and your company behave in times of distress is a very strong signal to future candidates. Showing that you do not stop hiring people, and that you adapt to the situation by recruiting online, show to candidates and future candidates that you take responsibility and act proactively.
  6. Be aware of Data Protection (GDPR) – Remember when you handle resumés, test results or other sensitive information about candidates to make sure, that you do so complying with the personal data regulations. Make sure the documents are not stored in an unsecure place (like your private computer) or that you talk with a candidate in a place, where others can eavesdrop (like a café or on an unsecure network).
  7. Online interview –Personal interviews can very well be conducted online. There are many ways to ensure a personal and fruitful interviewing situation digitally. For more tips on this process follow an upcoming post!

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Date: 30.03.2020