Masterâ„¢ Recruitment Decision Tool
Developed by Laurits Skovlund Kilpinen Psychometrician at Master International
What is it?
The Recruitment Decision Tool helps you estimate the expected financial and organizational gains from switching from various recruitment methods to General Mental Ability (GMA) recruiting. It allows you to compare and analyze the benefits of using
GMA-test in a recruitment scenario of your choice.
Schmidt, Oh, and Shaffer (2016) concluded, based on 100 years of research, that a GMA-test is the single best predictor of job performance.
This fact is well-known in the HR-profession. The practical implications, however, can be difficult to interpret and difficult to communicate to
decision makers. Because of this, we have developed the Recruitment Decision Tool.
The tool compares GMA-recruiting to one of 19 possible recruitment methods in a chosen recruitment scenario. The tool then presents the
result of the comparison-analysis in the form of three practical and easily understood outputs.
The tool also has more advanced outputs targeting HR-professionals who want to go a step further in their analysis. For instance an applicant analysis showing the effect of adding more applicants – a knowledge that is important
when planning a recruitment strategy. It also has a simulation analysis showing you simulations of the financial benefit which enables you to
understand and explain the uncertainty in recruitment.
The tool can be used to aid decision-making, the understanding of recruitment methods, and the dynamics of different recruitment scenarios.
The math and theory behind the model are explained in detail at the bottom of the page.
How to use it?
Fill in information about the recruitment scenario you want to use for the analysis. You have full control over the recruitment scenario.
If you are a recruiter you can choose the recruiting your company did last year, the last five years, or it can be a purely hypothetical scenario. It is possible to combine different job positions, as long as they have a similar job
complexity level. E.g., positions in marketing and positions in communication can be combined but not trainees and managers.
You can decide to include a structured interview alongside the GMA-test a strategy deemed optimal by Schmidt, Oh, and Shaffer (2016).
At last you choose which recruitment method you want to use as a baseline for comparison. Click the (?) if you need additional information at any given step.